public class Documentation
extends java.lang.Object
<!-- -->
import com.github.mrdimosthenis.synapses.Net;
Net randNet = new Net(new int[]{2, 3, 1});
// """
// [[{"activationF" : "sigmoid", "weights" : [-0.5,0.1,0.8]},
// {"activationF" : "sigmoid", "weights" : [0.7,0.6,-0.1]},
// {"activationF" : "sigmoid", "weights" : [-0.8,-0.1,-0.7]}],
// [{"activationF" : "sigmoid", "weights" : [0.5,-0.3,-0.4,-0.5]}]]
// """
Net net = new Net(
[[{"activationF" : "sigmoid", "weights" : [-0.5,0.1,0.8]},
{"activationF" : "sigmoid", "weights" : [0.7,0.6,-0.1]},
{"activationF" : "sigmoid", "weights" : [-0.8,-0.1,-0.7]}],
[{"activationF" : "sigmoid", "weights" : [0.5,-0.3,-0.4,-0.5]}]]
net.predict(new double[]{0.2, 0.6});
// [0.49131100324012494], new double[]{0.2, 0.6}, new double[]{0.9});
The fit
method adjusts the weights of the neural network to a single observation.
In practice, for a neural network to be fully trained, it should be fitted with multiple observations.
import com.github.mrdimosthenis.synapses.Attribute;
import com.github.mrdimosthenis.synapses.Codec;
import com.github.mrdimosthenis.synapses.Fun;
import com.github.mrdimosthenis.synapses.Stats;
Every function is efficient because its implementation is based on lazy list and all information is obtained at a single pass.
For a neural network that has huge layers, the performance can be further improved
by using the parallel counterparts of predict
and fit
and parFit
new Net(new int[]{2, 3, 1}, 1000L);
We can provide a seed
to create a non-random neural network.
This way, we can use it for testing.
IntFunction<Fun> activationF = layerIndex ->
switch (layerIndex) {
case 0 -> Fun.IDENTITY;
case 1 -> Fun.SIGMOID;
case 2 -> Fun.LEAKY_RE_LU;
default -> Fun.TANH;
IntFunction<Double> weightInitF = _layerIndex ->
1.0 - 2.0 * new Random().nextDouble();
Net customNet = new Net(new int[]{4, 6, 8, 5, 3}, activationF, weightInitF);
function accepts the index of a layer and returns an activation function for its neurons.weightInitF
function accepts the index of a layer and returns a weight for the synapses of its neurons.If we don't provide these functions, the activation function of all neurons is sigmoid, and the weight distribution of the synapses is normal between -1.0 and 1.0.
With its svg drawing, we can see what a neural network looks like. The color of each neuron depends on its activation function while the transparency of the synapses depends on their weight.
Supplier<Stream<double[][]>> expAndPredVals = () ->
new double[][][]{
{{0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, {0.0, 0.1, 0.9}},
{{0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {0.8, 0.2, 0.0}},
{{1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.7, 0.1, 0.2}},
{{1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.3, 0.3, 0.4}},
{{0.0, 0.0, 1.0}, {0.2, 0.2, 0.6}}
// 0.6957010852370435
// 0.6
by providing the attributes and the data points
You can use a Codec
to encode and decode a data point.
Map<String, String> setosa = Map.of(
"petal_length", "1.5",
"petal_width", "0.1",
"sepal_length", "4.9",
"sepal_width", "3.1",
"species", "setosa"
Map<String, String> versicolor = Map.of(
"petal_length", "3.8",
"petal_width", "1.1",
"sepal_length", "5.5",
"sepal_width", "2.4",
"species", "versicolor"
Map<String, String> virginica = Map.of(
"petal_length", "6.0",
"petal_width", "2.2",
"sepal_length", "5.0",
"sepal_width", "1.5",
"species", "virginica"
Stream dataset =
new Map[]{setosa, versicolor, virginica}
Attribute[] attributes = {
new Attribute("petal_length", false),
new Attribute("petal_width", false),
new Attribute("sepal_length", false),
new Attribute("sepal_width", false),
new Attribute("species", true)
Codec codec = new Codec(attributes, dataset);
String codecJson = codec.json();
// codecJson: String = """[
// {"Case" : "SerializableContinuous",
// "Fields" : [{"key" : "petal_length","min" : 1.5,"max" : 6.0}]},
// {"Case" : "SerializableContinuous",
// "Fields" : [{"key" : "petal_width","min" : 0.1,"max" : 2.2}]},
// {"Case" : "SerializableContinuous",
// "Fields" : [{"key" : "sepal_length","min" : 4.9,"max" : 5.5}]},
// {"Case" : "SerializableContinuous",
// "Fields" : [{"key" : "sepal_width","min" : 1.5,"max" : 3.1}]},
// {"Case" : "SerializableDiscrete",
// "Fields" : [{"key" : "species","values" : ["virginica","versicolor","setosa"]}]}
// ]"""
new Codec(codecJson);
double[] encodedSetosa = codec.encode(setosa);
// [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
// {species=setosa, sepal_width=3.1, petal_width=0.1, petal_length=1.5, sepal_length=4.9}
Constructor and Description |
Documentation() |